Monday 2 March 2015

Performance Coach

On the leading edge of sport, we find the best of the best.

Well what does that look like?
You are on top of the game, you know the rules, you know the game, and yet you feel something can be improved, you know you have more to give, buy how do you access that last bit of talent that makes you the best of the best?
The secret to accessing this talent is in your body-mind connection. Bring a new mind-set into the game and see your performance soar.

What does the Performance coach do?
The coach shows you ways to trigger your body to get into “the zone” on command. By using your mind-body connection you can trigger “the zone” when you need it. If you are playing a game that needs more than one trigger you can place the different triggers in different areas.  For example you play cricket, you will need a batting trigger, a bowling trigger, and or a wicket keeper trigger. Yes it is possible to do all of this naturally, however that way we normally don’t know what the trigger is and that leaves us to not knowing how and when to trigger the zone on your command. With a “on command” trigger you are in charge of your body, your mind and your game. You can see the game the opposition is playing as an added benefit. By knowing your own triggers you become aware of the triggers of your opponent.

Are you interested in giving this a try? Contact Irene for a meeting